I have worked with my fair share of high net worth divorcing couples who have complex situations. And, while I understand that the process of divorce can be incredibly challenging, there are some important DON’TS that should be kept in mind. 👉Firstly, it's essential...
5 non-negotiables for co-parenting plans
As a divorce mediator, I’ve seen co-parenting plans go both smoothly and not so smoothly. Here are 5 non-negotiables when it comes to mediating these plans: Non-negotiable #1: Communication is key. I cannot stress this enough. It's crucial to establish open and honest...
How do I get my ex to agree to divorce mediation?
A question that I get asked most often is: “How do I get my ex to agree to divorce mediation?” I know how tricky it can be to convince someone to come to the table and work out your differences. But, it is possible! First and foremost, it's important to approach the...
Why choose family mediation?
As a divorce lawyer, I have seen countless families go through the painful process of separation, and it breaks my heart to see them struggle. A way to avoid this, is to consider family mediation. There are three key reasons why I feel family mediation could be a very...
Top three tips for property division during divorce
I know that navigating complex property division in divorce can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. Over the years, I have witnessed firsthand the emotional toll it can take on my clients. That's why I feel compelled to share my top three tips for those going...
Why choose mediation over traditional divorce?
For some couples going through divorce, dividing complex property feels overwhelming and quite scary. And, it can generate so many questions and concerns. It’s a situation that can be rife with emotional turmoil, uncertainty, and sometimes even anger. But it doesn't...
High Net Worth Divorce Mediation
Divorce can be an emotionally challenging process for anyone, but it can be even more complicated for high net worth couples. With so much at stake, it's important to approach the divorce process with careful consideration and a plan that works for both parties....