Property Division Calgary

How to divide your property without destroying it

One of the most common mistakes that a couple often makes is to negotiate the division of property without seeking advice from a Calgary family lawyer regarding how the law treats the division of property for couples that are separating and/or divorcing.

Beryl McNeill has extensive experience in providing legal advice to clients who need to separate out their property upon separation and divorce.

We help you with these important questions:

  • What does the law say regarding your rights and entitlements to property upon separation and/or divorce?
  • How can we separate our property in a way that meets our specific needs and concerns?
  • How can we separate our property and preserve our assets?
  • What do we do with the home we have been living in?
  • How can we divide our business in a smart way, without harming the business operations?
  • How does the law treat the division of my stock options and do they need to be divided?


As a trained collaborative divorce lawyer, Beryl brings together a team of experts to develop a strategy for each client’s unique situation. Her goal is to help clients divide their property and preserve their assets so they can move forward successfully after divorce.

Your Divorce, Your Finances and Your Business

Beryl assists clients with structuring a separation of property and finances, and address support issues in a way that meets the needs of the clients which is financially and legally sound and practical. Negotiating a separation when you are a business owner has unique legal issues and many clients fear that their separation or divorce will destroy their business. While it is true that some litigated divorces have had this result on businesses, it does not have to be this way. Beryl will guide you with the appropriate negotiation structure and professional referrals that will assist you with smart options that can optimally meet your and your spouse’s financial needs without destroying your business.

If your separation agreement deals with property, it is subject to the Family Property Act of Alberta. Section 38 of the Family Property Act (“FPA Alberta”) provides that a separation agreement is enforceable only if you and your spouse each have acknowledged in front of your independent lawyers that:

Book a Consultation

Call 587-956-9300 or fill out the form below to book a consultation.

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